This document is not intended to be a legally binding contract between us and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party. Neither Reveal Church, nor the above-named volunteer guarantee any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.
The following are our detailed policies regarding volunteers within our organisation. These policies cover the definition of a volunteer, role description, induction/training, confidentiality, copyright issues, when additional screening is necessary, when volunteers can represent Reveal Church, ending your role as a volunteer with Reveal Church and dismissal of a volunteer.
Definition of "Volunteer"
A "volunteer" is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement, performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of Reveal Church. A "volunteer" must be officially accepted and enrolled by the Reveal Church prior to performance of the task. Unless specifically stated, volunteers shall not be considered as "employees" of Reveal Church.
What You Can Expect
Reveal Church values its volunteers and we will endeavour to provide you with:
- A written position description so that you understand your role and the tasks you are authorised to perform as a volunteer,
- A full induction, orientation and any training necessary for the volunteer role,
- A safe and healthy environment in which to perform your role,
- A supervisor, so that you have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback,
- Reimbursement for your reasonable expenses so you are not out of pocket as a result of volunteering for us, and
- Insurance to cover you for the volunteer duties you are authorised to perform.
What Reveal Church Asks of its Volunteers
We ask that you:
- Support Reveal Churchs values and objectives,
- Participate in all relevant induction and training programs,
- Operate under the direction and supervision of nominated staff and obey reasonable directions and instructions,
- Understand and comply with the organisations policies and procedures; including anti-discrimination, health and safety and confidentiality (for further information see:,
- Notify your supervisor or another member of staff of any hazardous situations that pose a risk to you or others; and report any accidents or incidents relating to staff, volunteers or plant and equipment,
- Behave appropriately and courteously to both the staff and the public with whom you interact in the course of your role,
- Use any property or equipment given to you in your role only for purposes of the role and return it to the organisation when you finish your volunteer role,
- Let us know if you wish to change the nature of your contribution (eg. Hours, role) to Reveal Church at any time, and
- Be open and honest in your dealings with us and let us know if we can improve our volunteer program and the support that you receive.
Information We May Require
Depending on your role, and before you can commence in your role, we may require:
- Working with Children Check
- Police Check
- References
- Work Samples, if required
All background information will be conducted in accordance with our Privacy Policy. More information on our information handling practices, privacy and record-keeping is in the Privacy document at
Induction and Training Required
Reveal Church is committed to providing suitable training in support of our health and safety policy, copy of which is on our website. For this reason we require that all volunteers familiarise themselves with this policy and other relevant policies found on the resources tab of, before commencing their volunteer position.
Further training relevant to your role will be provided via your supervisor, or as delegated by your supervisor.
Volunteer Expenses
As a volunteer, Reveal Church will provide you with reimbursement for any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses that you incur when performing tasks associated with your role.
We do this to ensure that you are not financially disadvantaged as a result of your volunteer position with us. These payments are not salary or wages. You will need to keep and produce receipts of all expenses. For further information claiming reimbursements, and when you might need prior approval, please see the Finance Policy at
We sometimes provide you with other benefits as part of your volunteering role (such as training, free food, accommodation, event entry, clothing or equipment). Where this occurs, it is on a gratuitous basis and not payment in lieu of salary.
We are committed to providing adequate insurance cover for volunteers whilst carrying out their volunteering roles that have been approved and authorised by us. Reveal Church has the following insurances: Personal Accident for Voluntary Worker, Public & Products Liability, Professional Indemnity, Management Liability, Personal Accident for Pastors & Property Protection.
To ensure this insurance covers you for any incidents that occur while you are volunteering with us, you need to: keep records of hours at Reveal Church (i.e. sign in, sign out), report any incident or accident as soon as it has occurred and complete an incident report. Seek medical advice at your earliest opportunity.
Volunteers Under 18
If you are under 18, please let at least one of your parents know you are going to volunteer with Reveal Church. We strongly suggest that you give your parents the URL of Reveal Church ( so they can read through information about our church and its values. We also suggest you keep your parents up to date with your activities at Reveal Church. Your parents are invited to call or e-mail Reveal Church, with any questions or comments about our programs.
Representing Reveal Church
Volunteers are asked to not contact organisations or individuals on behalf of Reveal Church unless they are given express written directions to do so by their supervisor. Prior to any action or statement which might significantly affect or obligate Reveal Church, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from appropriate staff. These actions may include, but are not limited to, public statements to the press, coalition or lobbying efforts with other organisations, or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations. Volunteers are authorised to act as representatives of Reveal Church as specifically indicated within their job descriptions and only to the extent of such written specifications.
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves a single staff, volunteer, client, or other person or involves overall church business. This responsibility remains in force beyond the volunteer role, i.e. when no longer serving as a volunteer. For further information on our Privacy Policy, see
Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of the volunteer's work agreement with Reveal Church or other corrective action.
Intellectual Property
All volunteers at Reveal Church agree to transfer all intellectual property rights and interests (including copyright) in any ideas or materials they create relating to their provision of voluntary services at Reveal Church to Reveal Church.
Also volunteers are taken to consent to the use by Reveal Church of such creations in a manner reasonably contemplated by the voluntary services provided under this document. As a volunteer you also agree not to bring any claim for infringement of your moral rights in respect of that use.
Ending Your Volunteer Role
You can cease volunteering with Reveal Church upon the completion of any volunteer assignment, or when you are not currently engaged in an assignment.
Dismissal of a Volunteer
Volunteers who do not adhere to the policies and procedures of the agency or who fail to satisfactorily perform their volunteer assignment are subject to dismissal. No volunteer will be terminated until the volunteer has had an opportunity to discuss the reasons for possible dismissal with supervisory staff. Possible grounds for dismissal may include, but are not limited to, the following: gross misconduct or insubordination, theft of property or misuse of Reveal Church materials, abuse or mistreatment of clients, staff or other volunteers, failure to abide by Reveal Church policies and procedures, and failure to satisfactorily perform assigned duties.
Volunteer please sign to acknowledge you have read this Volunteer Agreement and had an opportunity to ask questions.